Offering Human Performance Improvement Training
Human Performance Tools, LLC is offering affordable human performance improvement training for any and all industries looking to reduce human error and prevent events caused by them. The training content is sourced straight from the collaboration efforts of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operators (INPO). After contacting the Department of Energy and their Liaison to INPO, I have been directly authorized to use the content within these human performance manuals as my basis for these training sessions.
Human Performance Improvement Training
Understanding the genesis of human error teaches us how it can be better managed. This translates to positive results in all parts of your organization, and at an individual level. Nobody wants to be the person singled out for an error, especially when anyone given the same situation would have made the same mistake. These courses are designed with teaching students how to predict, prevent, and correct human error within the framework of the systems they work within.
What is it?
Human error reduction and event prevention are two areas every company can benefit from. The Institute of Nuclear Power Operators (INPO) and the Department of Energy (DOE) came together a few years ago and developed a manual that addresses the roles of individuals, leaders, and the organization in improving performance, as well as practical methods that people can employ in their day-to-day lives. This training brings that content alive in the classroom employing an expert instructor with a vast array of technical hands-on human performance experience in nuclear power plants around the United States.
Principles of human performance are the foundation blocks for the behaviors described and promoted in the handbook. The strategic approach for improving performance is to reduce human error and manage controls so as to reduce unwanted events and/or mitigate their impact should they occur.For the purposes of this training, an event is an undesirable change in the state of structures, systems, or components or human/organizational conditions (health, behavior, controls) that exceeds established significance criteria.
Human performance improvement (HPI) as addressed in this training is not a program such as Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, etc. Rather, it is a set of concepts and principles associated with a performance model that illustrates the organizational context of human performance. The model contends that human performance is a system that comprises a network of elements that work together to produce repeatable outcomes. The system encompasses organizational factors, job-site conditions, individual behavior, and results. The system approach puts new perspective on human error: it is not a cause of failure, alone, but rather the effect or symptom of deeper trouble in the system. Human error is not random; it is systematically connected to features of people’s tools, the tasks they perform, and the operating environment in which they work.
Who should come?
The principles and practices of human performance improvement are universally applicable regardless of the industry or agency you work. This training is for anyone who desires to improve productivity, safety, and quality.
How are the courses separated?
Level 1: Introduction to Human Performance
- Overview
- Human Performance
- Anatomy of an Event
- Strategic Approach for Human Performance
- Principles of Human Performance
Level 2: Reducing Error
- Human Fallibility
- Performance Modes
- Error-likely Situations
- Error Precursors
Level 3: Managing Controls
- Controls
- Defense-in-depth
- Performance Model
- Managing Controls
- Tools for Finding Latent Organizational Conditions
- Warning Flags-Factors that Defeat Controls
Level 4: Human Performance Tools for Individuals and Teams
- Task Preview
- Job-site Review
- Questioning Attitude – at the Activity Level
- Questioning Attitude – Work Planning and Preparation
- Pause When Unsure
- Self-Checking
- Procedure Use and Adherence
- Validate Assumptions
- Signature
- Effective Communication
- Place-keeping
- Pre-job Briefing
- Technical Task Pre-job Briefing
- Checking and Verification Practices
- Flagging
- Turnover
- Technical Post-job Review
- Project Planning
- Problem Solving – with PACTS
- Decision Making
- Project Review Meeting
Management Level 1: Culture and Leadership/Human Performance Evolution
- Organizational Culture
- Safety Culture
- Leadership
- Key Leadership Practices
- Behavior Engineering Model
- Create a Just Culture
- Performance of a Gap Analysis
- Culpability Decision Tree
- Establishing a Reporting Culture
- Factors that Impact Organizations
Management Level 2: Management Tools
- Benchmarking
- Observations
- Self-Assessments
- Performance Indicators
- Independent Oversight
- Work Product Review
- Investigating Events Triggered by Human Error
- Operating Experience
- Change Management
- Reporting Errors and Near Missed
- Culpability Decision Tree
- Employee Surveys
What do you get to take away?
Each attendee walks away with a Certificate of Completion for the associated level of training, a reference book and a PDF electronic copy of the slides.
What will it cost?
- Level 1, 2, 3, or 4: $175
- Management Level 1 or 2: $200
- Level 1-4 package (4 training sessions): $600
- Level 1-4 package plus Management Level 1-2 (6 training sessions): $900
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