Using industry leading program benchmarks and uniquely designed tools like the Culture Speaker, the customized Affective Survey, and extensive SWOT analysis, HPT makes recommendations for additions and adjustments to your human performance program.
Do you want to know if your Human Performance program is strong or does it need a some adjustment?
In about a week, depending on the size of your organization, HPT will assess your workforce, talk to the right people in management, and determine if your program is geared for success. Recommendations will be included in a strategy that gets developed customized to your organizations needs, no matter how large. The recommendations will include program overview, associated documents, supporting roles in the organization, and all associated training.
What you would have to do:
Administer the pre-determined survey.
Coordinate 30-minute interviews with key members of your leadership team and Human Performance Advocates/Team members.
Coordinate work observations – Field, office, and IT – or other pre-determined areas.
Provide human-error related issues within last 18-24 months and what corrective actions were created to prevent future issues.
Provide Human Performance training content that workers and leadership are required to take.
What you would get:
Human Performance Affective Survey analysis (baseline) using our custom Culture Speaker Tool
Human Performance program SWOT Analysis report
Human Performance strategic plan with recommendations
Human Performance Training quality assessment, including future training recommendations